Page 2 - Eduquip_PhoneBan_SchoolSolutions_Neat
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Custom Printed Lockable Phone Pouch


                                         How it Works

          Insert                                Lock                                 Unlock

         Insert your phone                Simply press the pin into         Unlock by simply placing the locking
          into the pouch                   the hole to lock closed           mechanism over the magnetic base

        Central Unlocking

      For each use environment, you just need one central
     unlocking magnetic base. This allows control over when
        users are allowed to unlock and use their phones.
     1 magnetic base is supplied per 100 pouches purchased,
         or additional magnetic bases can be purchased

   • Phone Locker Pouches allow you to lock phones into secure individual pouches so
     people can not get access during an event or school day

   • An easy and ideal solution for schools wanting to implement a ‘school hours
     phone ban’
   •	How	could	this	work	in	your	school?

     The phone locker pouches can be issued to students at the start of the term. Every
     time they enter the school grounds, the phones must be placed into their pouches and

     locked. A simple pin mechanism locks the pouch, and the only way it can be opened
     is by holding it on the magnetic base. It means students can’t access their phones
     and be distracted during school hours, but as soon as school is finished, they quickly

     press their pouch into the magnetic base when exiting.
     This will unlock the pin and the student will then have full use of their phone again!

    2                                 PHONE BAN SOLUTIONS FOR SCHOOLS
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