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Phone Locker 40


                                            $850 + GST

                                          ITEM # SC-PH-40-KL


                 Eliminate distractions and enhance learning with our

       state-of-the-art SchoolTech Phone Locker. Specially engineered
              for schools, it safeguards students’ devices, promoting a

          focus-rich environment for optimal learning. The SchoolTech

      Phone Locker 40 is designed for maximum efficiency and security
            in educational settings. It’s the perfect solution for schools

                     adhering to phone-free learning environments.

                  Whether phone lockers are situated in classrooms,

         tutorial rooms, or used as confiscation lock boxes in a school
             administration office, the SchoolTech Phone Locker 40 is

                                  versatile and easy to organise.

    4                                 PHONE BAN SOLUTIONS FOR SCHOOLS
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