Page 3 - PCC Online Research Magazine_Community College Brief_First Issue
P. 3

Facing the Challenge of Completion                                            BOOSTING
                        – Emerging Strategies                                         COMPLETION
                                                                                          RATES BY
           Community colleges the world over face similar challenges. In Jamaica,      INSTITUTIONAL

           the  fast-shifting  tertiary landscape  coupled  with the  increased  calls  for   EFFORT

           accountability  in  publicly                                                  _______________
           funded institutions places
           the  spotlight  squarely  on                                              •  Data-based decision

           performance  measures                                                         making.
           such as completion rates.                                                 •   Clearly defined
           The  challenge  for  many                                                     career paths.
           community  colleges  is to
           achieve   the   balance                                                   •  Guaranteed

           between measuring up to                                                      attachment to 4 year
           traditional  standards  of  performance  and  holding  to  the  position  of

           providing unrestricted access to tertiary education for all.              •  Stackable credentials
           Many community colleges have been meeting this challenge by using a       •  Career advisement

           variety of strategies along with rigorous evaluation to see what works. One
           key  approach  is  using  data  visualization  and  analytics  to  improve      •  Programme
           completion  rates.  With  data  visualization  and  analytics,  Programme    adjustments for
                                                                                        increased academic
           Coordinators and Department Heads have an opportunity to see what’s          support
           going on in courses or programmes and make decisions about what is         CREATING A
           needed to improve completion rates.                                     DATA CULTURE

           Another promising strategy is the move towards the guided pathways             ______________
                                                                                  •  Model the desired
           approach.  Unlike  the  cafeteria-style  model,  where  students  pick  up   practice in meetings.

           courses/subjects as they go along, here students are helped to identify
           clear pathways from enrollment to graduation. So far the results show that   •  Talk to staff about the

           students are more engaged leading to improved completion rates.            need for using data for
                                                                                      decision making and
           Recognizing the key role of student support and advisement services in     analytical reports.

           positively  impacting  completion  rates,  efforts  are  being  channeled  into
           leveraging  emerging  technologies  to  improve  student  support  and      •  Find internal champions.
           advisement services.

           Whatever strategies are considered, colleges should be prepared to     •   Data must be accurate

           properly assess existing problems, implement a strategic plan of action,      relatable and actionable.

           vigorously execute and evaluate the results.
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