Page 4 - PCC Online Research Magazine_Community College Brief_First Issue
P. 4


                                                                                    to Include in

                        Improving Department Reports                                     Reports

             -  Kim Wilson, Research Officer
          Producing department reports is a wonderful opportunity for departments to
          gauge  where  they  are  relative  to  strategic  and  operational  goals  and   ⌂  Enrollment (by cohort)
                                                                                  ⌂  Retention (by cohort)
          Tips: Data Visualization and Analytics
                                                                                  ⌂  Completion (by cohort)
           •  Numbers:  When  reporting  numbers,  comparable  data  should  be
              included to maximize meaning and observable trends. Where possible,      ⌂  Dropouts/transfers
              the numbers for the previous comparable period should be included.
              As much as possible both raw score and percentage data should be
              reported.  They  are  many  advantages  in  tracking  numbers  by   ⌂  Staffing
                                                                                  ⌂  New Programmes
           •  Tables and charts are an excellent way to make the data pop at a
              glance. The most important aspects of the data you wish to report   ⌂  Pipeline Programmes
              should be visualized by charts and/or tables. Don’t be timid about using
              less familiar charts like scatter plots which can tell a powerful story at     ⌂  Student Engagement/
              a glance. As much as possible embed simple charts and tables in
              the body of the report for easy reference.                               enrichment activities

           •  Course  Performance:  Pass  rates,  number  of  students  enrolled,      ⌂  Summary and
              coursework average, and examination average. Student evaluation of
              course/lecturer results (questionnaire) should be included in reporting      Evaluation of student
              on  course  performance.  Compare  pass  rate  to  expectancy  rate
              (strategic objective).                                                   performance

           •  Student  Performance:  Ultimately  we  want  to  be  able  see  how      ⌂ Department growth
              students are performing in courses as it relates to the overall goal of
              completing  their  programmes.  Early  reporting  on  the  number  of        and development
              students  failing  3  or  more  courses  in  a  semester  opens  up  the      plans
              opportunity for intervention towards improved completion rates.

                                                                                  ⌂ Community

                                                                                       outreach/impact plans
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