Page 12 - NUML Annual SDGs Report 2021-22
P. 12

NUML ANNUAL SDGs Report 2021- 22

                   GOAL-2: ZERO HUNGER

                   Policy on Student Hunger

                   NUML has policy on Student Hunger; the accessibility to nutritious, balanced
                   and  healthy  food  is  counted  amongst  the  basic  human  requirements  of
                   human beings. With no exception all resources should be directed and channelized for the
                   fulfillment of this basic need of the people. Having established this fact, the University share
                   a burden of this responsibility and laid out a road map wherein the affected students are
                   identified and then adequately taken care of. It is in this backdrop that a policy has been

                   Policy on Campus Food Waste

                   Food wastage has become a worldwide phenomenon. It has been estimated that nearly one
                   third of the food produced is wasted at various stages from its production to consumption.
                   This is a very serious issue which needs to be addressed seriously and concrete efforts are
                   required to reduce it to the minimum. To reduce food waste, NUML has policy on Campus
                   Food Waste.

                    Policy for Community Anti-Poverty Programmes in
                    Connection with UN SDGs

                    NUML  also  has  policy  for  Community  Anti-Poverty
                    Programmes  in  connection  with  United  Nations       “THE PEOPLE WHO
                    Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The purpose        GIVE YOU THEIR
                    of  this  policy  document  is  to  provide  anti-poverty   FOOD GIVE YOU
                    programmes to NUML community as well as the wider
                    community in general.                                     THEIR HEART.”

                                                                              CESAR CHAVEZ

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