Page 88 - NUML Annual SDGs Report 2022-23
P. 88

Money Sterilizer Electronic Machine

               Students     of    the    ‘Electrical
               Engineering Department’ devised a
               Machine to sterilize currency notes. It
               removes germs present on currency
               notes  and  cheques.  The  machine
               utilizes  Ultra-Violet  (UV)  rays  and
               sanitizer  spray  to  eradicate  the
               infectious agents.

               Virtual Scene Rendering for Deaf People using Artificial

               Intelligence (AI) Based Audio Analysis

               Virtual   Scene    Rendering    is
               designed  for  deaf  people;  the
               project    of    the    ‘Electrical
               Engineering Department’ helps by
               analyzing  surrounding  audible
               signals  with  Artificial  Intelligence
               (AI)  (machine  learning)  based
               methods.    The   Raspberry    Pi
               recognizes  and  categorizes  the
               audio signal, and a virtual scene is
               displayed  on  the  Liquid  Crystal
               Display    (LCD)    screen.   The
               differently  abled  people  can
               watch  what’s  happening  around
               and can even avoid accidents.

   83   84   85   86   87   88   89   90   91   92   93