Page 86 - NUML Annual SDGs Report 2022-23
P. 86

Goal 9:

               Industry, Innovation and


               Text Recognizing Smart Glasses

               Text Recognizing Smart Glasses devised by students of the ‘Electrical Engineering Department’ can help understand the
               text. The system consists of smart glasses with a camera mounted on it. The captured image is processed by the Raspberry
               Pi 3 B+ attached to the arm of the user. OpenCV software and Optical Character Recognition (OCR) tool Tesseract is
               used to recognize text. Google’s Text to Speech (gTTS) API converts the text to audible signals, which can be heard through
               headphones attached to the glasses.

                                                                                   “Technology is best

                                                                                         when it brings

                                                                                      people together.”

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