Page 82 - NUML Annual SDGs Report 2022-23
P. 82

Made in Pakistan for Sustainable Growth

               Students of ‘Governance and Public Policy (G&PP) Department’ took an initiative to promote the “Made in Pakistan” label.
               The purpose was to encourage the youth to look for Pakistani local indigenous products instead of going for expensive
               imported  products.  The  Label  serves  as  a  symbol  of  national  endorsement  and  represents  the  culmination  of  all  the
               resources, skill, and work that our nation has put into it. "Made in Pakistan" also refers to upholding the moral standards
               associated with the obligations suggested by the claim.

               Interaction with Students of Iqra University

               Students  of  the  ‘Governance  and  Public  Policy
               (G&PP) Department’ visited “Iqra University” to ask
               students  about  their  understanding  towards  local
               products.  They  briefed  them  about  their  project
               ‘Made in Pakistan for Sustainable Growth’ - how it
               can contribute to sustainable economic growth. They
               shared  project  brochures  with  the  students.  Their
               project was about promotion of indigenous products
               made in Pakistan by promoting Small and Medium
               Enterprises. Most of Pakistani products are made by
               SMEs  -  these  SMEs  serve  as  the  backbone  of  our
               country. Therefore, by promoting small industries we
               would be able to promote our ‘Made in Pakistan’

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