Page 9 - Parent Handbook HTML
P. 9
Depending on the location of your child’s school or college and their age there will be times when they have permission to leave the school to go into their local town. As is the case in any big city across the world the safety of your child is very important. We will discuss the following suggestions with your child when we meet them but would ask that you discuss these as an additional support measure.
Avoid being out on your own, particularly after it gets dark. If you are going back to school / your accommodation after dark try to make sure that you are in a group or use a reputable taxi company.
Most schools / colleges will have places that are suggested “out of bounds for students” when walking to and from local towns and there are good reasons for this! Avoid taking short cuts down dark alleys or deserted streets. Try to always use well lit streets where there are other people.
Most students will have mobile phones, keep this in a safe place. If you have expensive jewellery cover this up – or better still don’t take it to school / college with you, leave it at home. If you are at boarding school you will not be allowed to wear it with your school uniform so the chances are you won’t need it!
Your passport and BRP card should be handed in to your Housemaster or Housemistress so you should not need this unless you are travelling. If for any reason you do need to take these documents out please make sure you keep them
in a safe place.
If you are living in halls of residence keep your passport and BRP safe locked up in your room, don’t carry them around.
If you lose your BRP or passport report this immediately as they will need to be replaced as soon as possible and this can be a lengthy and expensive process!
Don’t carry large amounts of cash around with you. If you use an ATM machine try where possible to use one inside the bank. If this is not possible find an ATM that is in a well lit area.
Keep your cards and your PIN number separate. If you lose your cards or have them stolen you must notify the bank as soon as possible. Let the staff at school / college or College Guardians know if you need help.
Do not leave your purse/wallet or bag unattended.
A lot of the above is common sense, but following these simple guidelines will help to keep your child and their belongings safe.