Page 11 - Parent Handbook HTML
P. 11

It is very important that your child registers with a Doctor when they first arrive in the UK.
Any medication that is prescribed will be charged separately. NHS prescriptions generally cost £9.15 per item although children in full time education do not normally have to pay for prescription medication. Doctors may also refer your child to qualified nurses instead who will
Studying at boarding school - if your child is studying at a boarding school this should be done through the school medical centre during the first week. If for any reason this does not happen please speak to your child's house master or mistress or contact College Guardians.
provide professional advice and help on health matters
Dental care is also covered by the NHS. Treatment is free to students age 19 years and under. To find a dentist close your child's school or college either ask College Guardians or go to this website: Search/Dentists/LocationSearch/3.
If your child will be studying at a higher education college it will be their responsibility to register with a doctor. The college that they are attending should send them a link giving details on how to register. Please emphasise to your child the importance of registering and ask them to do this as a priority. We will also be saying this to them when we meet them. It’s so important that they don’t wait until they are ill ( which hopefully they won’t be!) as the chances are they
It is worth being aware though that the majority of dentists in the UK run as private practices, if you choose one of these dentists you will have to pay for all treatment.
won’t feel up do doing it then.
If your child wears braces on their teeth and requires orthodontic treatment they will have to pay for this as it is not covered by the NHS.
All full time student are covered by the National Health Service for all costs except eye care. This means once your child has registered with a GP/Doctor they will not have to pay to see a doctor.

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