Page 7 - Hillside Anniversay Newsletter
P. 7


The Lovely Tinkerbell...

We were saddened when Tinkerbell, a cow we had rescued
from the dairy industry when she was due to be slaughtered
for meat, was diagnosed by three independent vets as having
B.S.E. - ‘mad cow disease’. Had we not saved her, she would
have been eaten by the public while incubating this terrible
disease. It was heart-rending to see the distress caused to
Tinkerbell by this condition, which came on very quickly.
She was humanely and peacefully put to sleep. Tinkerbell
was a beautiful and gentle creature and was greatly missed
by all who knew her, especially Pixie , whom she had
mothered as a week old calf after he was heartlessly taken
away from his real mother while she was in the dair y
industry. Her milk was then taken for humans to drink
instead of nourishing Pixie. Dear Pixie went on to enjoy
life in the Sanctuary until he was sixteen years old.

   Gerald the Goat...                                         Below left

     was brought to Hillside in an emaciated condition.
     He had been left tethered without food or water and
     so was badly dehydrated and had sores on his neck.

     Gerald was also suffering from a skin disorder,
     gastroenteritis, worms, lice and had maggots living on
     faeces stuck to his hind quarters! Thankfully his owner
     was prosecuted for neglecting him and causing him so
     much suffering.

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