Page 15 - Hillside Winter 2016/2017 Newsletter
P. 15

Hillside Dog Rescue...

                                                         We have continued to take in, and find loving homes for,
                                                         many dogs that needed our help over the course of the year.

                                                         They are, of course, all wonderful dogs in their own way.
                                                         Some can be re-homed immediately while some have
                                                         issues that require a little time. Others are very
                                                         challenging and would not be suitable for the majority
                                                         of homes.

                                                         We would like to thank our dedicated kennel staff for

                                                         looking after our rescued dogs so well. They treat

                                                         Hillside’s dogs with the same love and attention as they

                                                         would their own, regularly going ‘above and beyond’ to

                                                         provide that extra level of care, often in their own time,

                                                         to ensure our dogs are as comfortable and

                                                         content as possible.                       There are

                                                                                                60 rescued dogs

                                                                                                living at Hillside

                                                                                                while waiting for a

Sassie with her litter of seven healthy pups                                                        loving home

Sassie...                                                A heavily pregnant Sassie at Hillside                        15

So many dogs came to Hillside this year, all with their
own character, however a highlight for us has to be
Sassie, an affectionate Staffy, who came to us heavily
pregnant because somebody hadn’t considered having
her spayed. As she became obviously very close to
giving birth,we went on stand-by throughout the night
and were relieved when she safely produced a litter of
seven healthy boys. Sassie was the perfect mum, being
very attentive to her new family and they have now all
found happy family homes.
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