Page 16 - Hillside Winter 2016/2017 Newsletter
P. 16

Hillside Farm Animal Investigations - Exposing Simply Halal...

Over the years, many of our supporters have requested that
we make public the plight of cows, sheep and lambs who are
cruelly slaughtered in non stun abattoirs.

In 2016, after we were tipped off that officials had often been
called in to the premises of the non-stun slaughterhouse at
‘Simply Halal’ in the heart of Norfolk, we decided to launch
our own investigation to find out what was happening there.

We placed hidden cameras which recorded eight days of
barbaric slaughter of defenceless animals. After viewing our
footage, which showed shocking treatment of sheep and
cows, the Food Standards Agency (FSA) suspended
operations at the slaughterhouse, along with their own vet
and meat hygiene inspector.

We very much hope our evidence will lead to a successful
prosecution. We are still awaiting the outcome.

Anthony Bagshaw Prosecuted

Following a separate investigation at Bagshaw and Sons      appropriate sentence was handed down to Bagshaw and
Slaughterhouse in Leek, Anthony Bagshaw was sentenced       we hope this will go some way to discouraging others
to a custodial term of 10 months in prison and was banned   who may be involved in animal cruelty.
from keeping, owning, transporting or delivering farm
animals for 15 years.                                       Had Hillside's Farm Animal Investigation team not been able
                                                            to obtain the harrowing evidence of barbaric cruelty
Over the last 20 years Hillside's Farm Animal               happening behind the closed doors of this 'High Class' family
Investigations have exposed a great many cases of animal    slaughterhouse, it would still be going on right now. We hope
cruelty and neglect right across the country. To our great  the FSA will rise to the challenge of their role, which is so
disappointment, much of these have not been treated         vital in protecting farm animals from the dreadful abuse that
seriously by the Authorities. We are pleased that an        is all too common in the farming industry.
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