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Spring Our Open Days at Hillside Shire Horse Sanctuary at West Runton begin. We also
hope to be able to move many of our rescued horses, ponies, cows and sheep out
onto their grazing pastures, a wonderful natural environment...
R.I.P La Vizelle with us, she was certainly a situation she found herself in twenty
character and all the staff loved her. two years ago.
La Vizelle, or Dawn as we She leaves behind her field Soul Train, a gentle ex-racehorse who
affectionately called her, was with companions, ex-Police horses, so deserved to be rescued, will follow
us at Hillside since 1997, which is Bielby, Taylor, Luxembourg and on in La Vizelle’s footsteps in our
almost as long as the Sanctuary has Tiltro, Poppy and her best friend adoption scheme.
been in existence. She had always Sonique another ex-racehorse with
enjoyed good health until just whom she has shared most of her
before we lost her. life. We know they will all miss her
Dawn was rescued from certain very much. Thank you so much to
slaughter at only two years old from everyone who kindly ‘adopted’
a sale where horses, who are just Dawn which meant she was able to
seconds too slow on the racetrack, enjoy a long and happy life in the
are ‘disposed’ of. Sanctuary - a far cry from the
In all the twenty two years she lived
Deer Rescue
In May we were called out to Easter Lambs
help this female Red deer
who had been injured on a These two orphaned lambs came
Norfolk road. As we arrived, to us after their mothers sadly
the Police also turned up died. They are part of a flock of
with a deer warden who was sheep we gave a home to after
about to euthanise her. As they had been neglected by their
no broken bones were owner who had cruelly left many
visible, we stepped in to give to perish. (See page 13 for story)
her a chance. Back at Hillside,
we treated her superficial
wounds and left her to
quietly recuperate. After a
few days of convalescence, she had rallied enough to be turned out with our
other rescued deer, most of whom have lived with us for several years.
Preparing for Going Out to Grass
Prior to going out to grass for the Summer, our horses are vaccinated to protect
them against Equine Influenza and Tetanus, de-wormed and have their hooves
trimmed. Once they have had all the necessary treatments, they are ready to
spend the summer months in their grazing meadows.