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P. 9
News from West Runton...
Rescued Heavy Horses arrive...
Reg and Nemo came Sign of the Times...
to us from a ‘so-called’
animal sanctuary The village sign at West
where the owner was Runton was given a face-lift
prosecuted for recently and is looking
neglecting the animals rather nice. The sign
and was banned from features some history and
keeping animals for attractions in the area,
five years. including the famous
Runton elephant, which is a
Reg and Nemo enjoying their new life at Hillside Shire Horse Sanctuary 700,000 year old mammoth
whose bones were
AA HHoorrssee CCaalllleedd DDrreeww discovered in the cliffs at
West Runton in 1990 and
Drew is one of five heavy horses is the most complete
we took in from the Working mammoth skeleton ever
Horse Trust when they were found. The picture next to
forced to close in 2017 after the elephant depicts horses
losing their land. We thought you and a donkey in a field in
might like to see this picture of reference to Hillside Shire
Drew at work in his previous Horse Sanctuary.
home. He is now, of course,
happily retired and living Drew, in his younger days, at work in his previous The tradition of village signs
contentedly with all our other home at the Working Horse Trust is believed to have started
rescued heavies at Hillside Shire in Norfolk early in the 20th
Horse Sanctuary where he is century when Edward VII
always pleased to meet the suggested that village signs
visitors on Open Days (See page 3). would aid motorists and
give a feature of interest on
the Sandringham Estate.