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Please Help Us...
To Help Other Animals Like These
Please Consider Making a Regular Monthly Donation
Bank Name
It is Bank Address
through Postcode
kindness Please pay HillsideAnimal Sanctuary Ltd
that we
can A/C No 70560088 Sort Code 08-90-14
continue to The Co-operative Bank, 69 London Street, Norwich NR2 1HL
rescue and campaign
for other animals in £ on the day of 20
need . . .
and afterwards on the same day each
. . . any amount you
can spare will be very MONTH / QUARTER / YEAR until further notice
gratefully received.
(please delete as appropriate)
My Name
My Address
My Postcode
My Account No. Sort Code --
Signature Date
My Sanctuary No is: This Standing Order is for: Adoption
5 Donation
Please send to: (please tick as appropriate) Friend
Hillside Animal Sanctuary, Hall Lane, Frettenham, Norwich NR12 7LT