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Hillside Poorly lambs huddle up to their malnourished mother...
Farm Animal submitted our own damning footage later banned from keeping livestock
and several local parish meetings for three years
Investigations were held, where aghast neighbours
expressed their horror and concern. Many of the sheep were taken in by
We began receiving calls Finally the man was charged and Hillside where they now live safely in
about several flocks of terribly the Sanctuary.
neglected sheep at various
locations around Norfolk.
After investigating further, it
became clear that the sheep
were all owned by the same
young man who had received
a government grant to help
him become a farmer!
Dead and dying sheep littered
fields which were often ‘fly
grazed’ without even having
permission of the land owner
to be there. Initial reports to
Trading Standards seemed to
fall on deaf ears. Hillside then
Sheep were found lame, dead and dying...
Please Sign Our ‘Factory Farming is Illegal‘ Petition!
Since 1999 Hillside have investigated and exposed the 1990s, numerous examples of investigative filming in
terrible cruelty to animals on Britain’s Intensive Factory factory farms show sick and crippled animals left to suffer
Farms. Our many investigations of these, including and die, unnoticed, in overcrowded and filthy conditions.
those in ‘high welfare assurance schemes’, such as Red
Tractor and the RSPCA’s Freedom Food, have formed Clare Druce has detailed her life’s work campaigning for
a comprehensive and damning indictment of a system animals in her book ‘Chickens’ Lib’ available on page 17
that is intrinsically cruel.
Please help the animals and sign our petition by typing
In October Clare Druce and Peta Watson-Smith, in into your web browser.
partnership with Hillside Animal Sanctuary, launched
a petition to highlight the illegality inherent in all 13
factory-farming. We want the Secretary of State to
take note of the Animal Welfare Act 2006 and the
2007 Welfare of Farmed Animals Regulations and to
tell us why legislation is being systematically ignored.
We consider that factory farming is illegal. Why is
this important?
UK animal protection law demands that intensively-
reared animals must be inspected thoroughly at least
once a day. Just imagine the daily task of trying to
inspect 10 thousand ducks together in one shed. Or
45 thousand broiler chickens. It's impossible! Since the