Page 25 - Hillside25Years
P. 25

2012 We Give a Home to 60 Stray and                                                featured a Hillside Farm Animal
                               Abandoned Horses and Ponies and                     Investigation 23rd Sept 2012
                               Save 20 from Flooding and Neglect...
 A horse crisis spread across the country and, rather than being asked to take in
 one or two horses at a time, we began to take in whole herds.

 In one case, we received an urgent call from a Trading Standards Officer which
 resulted in Hillside giving sanctuary to a herd of sixty stray and abandoned
 horses and ponies from South Wales. We couldn’t refuse to help these
 homeless horses who had nowhere else to go. They had been impounded by
 the council after they were found straying on housing estates, school grounds
 and busy roads where they were in danger of being hit by traffic.

 We were also asked to help another herd of horses, including pregnant mares
 and foals, who had been abandoned on wasteland that had flooded and were
 only being fed by kind members of the public who had taken pity on them.
 When their field flooded they became trapped on a railway embankment and,
 to keep them from starving, fire crews launched dinghies and transported hay
 to them across the deep water.
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