Page 29 - Hillside25Years
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We Celebrated 20 Years Helping Animals...                           now asked to give a home to herds of them!
                                                                    It is only due to our kindly supporters, along with our hard
2015 was a special year as it marked twenty years of Hillside.      working staff and volunteers, that we have been able to take
So much had happened we could never hope to cram it all into        in an incredible 1400 horses in the last six years - and
these pages, but we tried to include the major highlights and       hundreds of other animals - some of whom gave birth soon
the lowlights! Overall, it is a story of learning - learning about  after arriving and all of whom are now living safely and
the incredible intelligence, friendships and bonds between          contentedly at Hillside.
animals - and also between animals and people, and how those
bonds remain strong over time.                                      However, none of this would have been possible without
                                                                    Wendy Valentine, whose dream to help animals became a
It is easy to let all the cruelty we have witnessed become too      reality on such a scale, only because she is truly tireless and
much to bear. Some people have told us they find it hard to live    simply never stops helping and caring for animals from the
in a world where so much cruelty exists. However, we take           smallest fly to the largest dairy cow. She has inspired us all to
heart from all the kindness we have seen from the many who          work harder, try harder, hope harder and to make things
have helped us so generously over the years. We are extremely       happen that we never really believed could... Wendy breathes
lucky to have such compassionate supporters. We are asked to        the spirit into Hillside and the animals are very lucky to have
help animals in need on a daily basis and since the horse crisis    such a tireless and dedicated champion.
began in 2012, rather than mostly individual animals, we are

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