Page 32 - Hillside25Years
P. 32

Bulls Not Producing Calves Usually End up in the Slaughterhouse...        We first heard about Benjy when ‘Gay UK’ got in touch, telling us
Unless They Come to Hillside!                                             they had heard about a bull that was going to be sent for slaughter
                                                                          because a vet had pronounced him ‘gay’ after he failed to
Benjy...                                                                  impregnate his companion cows. Of course we offered to help, but
                                                                          there was still the matter of getting Benjy released from the farm
                                                                          where he was being kept, and transporting him from Ireland to
                                                                          Norfolk. Gay UK started a crowdfunding webpage, where people
                                                                          could find out about Benjy’s plight to help save him and pay to have
                                                                          him safely transported to Hillside. Happily, people did donate and
                                                                          soon Benjy arrived at his new home here in Norfolk. There was a
                                                                          lot of press interest, mainly because he had been labelled as ‘gay’,
                                                                          but we were just pleased that it got people talking about farm
                                                                          animals. Benjy, who was castrated before he was allowed to graze
                                                                          freely with a friendly herd of our rescued cows, seems to very much
                                                                          enjoy the company of females. We’re not sure if he really is gay, but
                                                                          the fact that someone thought he was certainly saved his life!

    Bernie’s story was similar. He had been sold as a prize bull for      and Bernie...
    18,000 guineas. However, it turned out his sperm count was so low
    that he was unlikely to impregnate any cows! So, with an ‘expensive’
    bull not able to do his 'job', the farmer claimed from his insurers.
    This would usually have meant a one-way ticket to the
    slaughterhouse. However, luckily for the now 'not so prized' Bernie,
    a Hillside supporter who worked in the insurance office, persuaded
    the company to allow him to come to Hillside to live with our
    other rescued cows. For both Benjy and Bernie, a seemingly
    desperate situation ended well because people stepped in to help.
    We are very pleased to let them both live out their natural days in
    the safety of the Sanctuary.

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