Page 58 - Make Up Your English
P. 58

Iu          identifies problems and suggests-  the client to  LANGUAGE FOUNDATION

                  refer' to doctors  (dermatologists,  endocrinolo-  Il verbo to telt significa  dire, raccontare,  esporre.
      m&          gists, and so on);                           È usato soprattutto  nel discorso indiretto quando
                  provides  UV (ultraviolet)  and spray tanning;  è espressa  la persona  a cui ci si rivolge. Quando la
                                                               persona a cui ci si rivolge non è espressa, si usa il
       M          tells the clients all the information  needed  verbo to soy.
       A          about  cosmetic products;                    e.g. She told me about the main ingredients of this
                  always sterilises all tools and instruments;   cream. (Mi disse gli ingredienti  principati  di
       K          takes care ofpersonal  cleanliness  and keeps  questa  crema)
                                                                 She says she uses orange flower water  as a toner.
                  the highest standards  of hygiene in the work-
       E                                                          (Dice che usa l'acqua di fiori d'arancio come
                  ing environment.
               In addition  to that, a beauty therapist is in charge
                                                               Esistono  alcune  espressioni  che contengono  to teIIo
       u       of reception work: she answers the telephone,   fo say,  quali,  per esempio, to teII the frme (dire  tbra),
               book appointments,  receives  clients,  checks  and  to teII the frufh (dire  la verità) e to teII a lie/to tell lies
       P       orders  the products  and equipment  needed.    (dire una bugia, mentire),  to say hallo/good  morning
                                                               (salutare, dire buongiorno/dare  il buongiorno),  thct
               In the end, a beauty therapist keeps client re-
                                                              is (to say) (cioè,  vale a dire). It goes  without  saying
               cords'  updatedr{r: she takes notes about clients'
                                                              (è owio).
               medical history and treatment  programmes,  so  e.g. It goes without saying that the treatment  is
               that she can offer the best and safest service.   effective. (È owio che il trattamento  è efficace)
                                                                 There  are special face  packs  for any type of skin,
                                                                 that is oily skin, dry skin, combination skin,
                                                                 etc. (Ci sono  maschere per it viso specifiche
                                                                 per ciascun tipo di pelle,  cioè per pelli grasse,
                                                                 secche, miste,  ecc.)

               Matchthe  beginning  of each sentence  to its ending.  Write questions  for  the  following  answers.
                  A beauty therapist  advises                        n
                  A facial is                                   ih"V l".frAe massages, aromatherapy,
                  A beauty therapist always sterilises
                                                                hydrotherapy,  and refl exology.
                  Client records include                             n
                 Nail treatments                                She gives advice on exercise  and nutrition,
                 A beauty therapist  applies
                                                                skin and body care,  cosmetic make-up.
                 A beauty therapist  uses                            ,|
                 The first duty as a good beauty therapist is
                                                                She applies them to improve body shape
                 A beauty therapist always tells                and tone.
                 Personal cleanliness is
                 treatments to improve body shape and tone.    She removes  them by electrolysis,  waxing,
                 include  pedicures,  manicures,  nail art. and
                                                               and other means.
                 nail extension.                                     )
                 notes about  clients' medical  history  and
                                                               She suggests referring to doctors  when she
                 treatment  programmes.                        identifies  problems.
                 all tools  and instruments.                         ,l
                 a treatment  applied  to the face.            She tells all the information needed.
                 on exercise and nutrition, skin and body
                 care, cosmetic  make-up and beauty  products.  She always sterilise  them.
                 a must.                                             ')
                 the client all the information  needed  about
                                                               Personal cleanliness  and hygiene are essential
                 products  and treatments.
                                                               to provide the safest service possible.
                 electrolysis  and waxing to remove facial
                 and body hair.                                It's the beauty therapist who is in charge  of
                 to keep the highest  standards  of hygiene.   reception  work.
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