Page 53 - Make Up Your English
P. 53
Gl Jane doesn'tbuy the face pack 'ae
Et After using the face pack, 0{
Indica se le affermazioni seguenti sono vere ,î, :?.
the complexion becomes dull .t' :.'
(T) o false (F). Correggi quelle false.
ffi You use a special cotton wool pad to M
t4., .G-
II Jane already knows where the beauty remove the face pack a, A
shop is ,e ./;: ",.t.J
a Jane wants to buy a cream for feet ,& .=-. K
g The beauty shop is on the left C; .:_-r
Riordina la sequenza. E
V' The face pack makes the skin look
younger 1, i.f: fil Massage delicately for a few seconds. ......
BI Jane explains how to apply El Leave to act for 5-10 minutes. u
the face pack j; i-, El Apply the face pack generously on your
ts Jane has to leave the face pack on perfectly cleansed face and neck. P
for 15 minutes e El Remove any excess product using the
a The product costs f,25 fÌ .:- special sponge.
h Osserva il disegno e prova ad associare il numero conispondente alle diverse parti del viso, sce-
gliendo tra i vocaboli proposti.
Il Cheek tr Eye & Eyelid B Osserva le immagini e scrivi per ciascun viso
El Hair-line El Forehead íE Neck Ia forma corrispondente in inglese.
ts Lips El Eyebrow iE Nose
O Cheekbone ffi Temple ffi Mouth
El Chin ill Eyelashes
Sl Ear flE Nostril
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