Page 94 - Make Up Your English
P. 94
ttf treatment room is over there. It's the second LANGUAGE FOUNDATION
one on the left. Il pronome esclamativo che/quanto può essere segui-
to da nomi o aggettivi ed è tradotto con:
ffiK$ MRs rHoMpsoN: I love this beauty centre, the r what a..., se seguito cla nomi concreti singolari
atmosphere is always relaxing... I love this
e.g. What a brilliant lipstick! (Che rossetto bril-
M music... lante!)
A JENNv: So do I. lt makes me feel good. Sit down . what ..., se seguito da nomi astratti o da nomi
in this armchair in front of the desk, please. concreti al plurale
K Would you give me your left hand, please? e.9, I{hat bad weather! (Che brutto tempo!)
What good creams! (Che buone cremel)
E MRS THoMPsox: Sure. Jenny. . how + aggettivo, se seguito da aggettivi
JENNv: What kind of manicure do you prefer? e.g. How kind you arel (Quanto/Come sei genti-
You are wearing a red nail polish. What do you le!)
u think of a French manicure?
MRS THoMpson: I don't know... Canr I decide It verbo to see può essere usato con il significato
P later? di capíre, trovare/visitare, ma soprattutto vedere,
inteso come capacítà di vedere, sottintendendo una
JENNv: Sure, you can. The toolsr, which you percezione involontaria. I[ verbo to look traduce,
see on the desk between us, are the tools that invece, guardare, presupponendo, quindi, la volon-
I need for a manicure. First I remove your old tarietà dell'azione. Infine, i[ verbo fo watch traduce
nail polish using this nail-polish remover. I use osservare (con attenzione).
e.g. Do you see what I mean? (Capisci cosa intendo?)
a cotton wool pad5 dampenedó with it. Your
Why don't you come and see me? (Perché non
fingernails are very long, so I need to cut them.
vieni a trovarmi?)
To do this, I use the nail clippers here on the It's so foggy that it's difficult to see the line
right. I prefer using the scissor ones. on the road. (C'è talmente tanta nebbia che è
MRs rHoMPson: What are you doing now? difficile vedere la linea della strada)
JENNv: I'm taking the emery board;, which is It's beautiful to look at a starry sky. (È bellissi
mo guardare un cielo stellato)
the nail file next to the nail clippers.
I rarely watch TV. (Guardo raramente [a televi-
MRs rHoMPsox: What do you use it for?
JENNv: Emery boards are pieces of cardboard
which have a rough surface on one side. You
JENNv: I'm using a nail buffer to brighten your
use them to shape fingernails. Do you prefer a
nails and give them a glossy look.
round or a square shape?
MRS THoMpsoN: What are you looking for?
MRS THoMpsox: A square shape is perfect.
JENNy: I need some hand cream. It's here on the
JENNv: While I'm shaping your fingernails, why
shelf opposite you, next to the oil massages.
don't you have a look at our nail polishes? They
MRS THoMpsox: Good. Jennv. This is mv fa-
are here on the left, behind the tools.
vourite step!
MRs rHoMpsox: What a wonderful collection!
JENNv: So, Mrs Thompson, I'm applying a layer
JENNv: My favourite colours are those in the
of base-coat to protect your fingernails and
second row on the right.
prevent them from chipping"'. Which nail
MRs THoMPsol.l: What are you doing now?
polish do you prefer, Mrs Thompson?
JENNv: I'm taking the bowl with soapy water
MRs rHoMpsox: I like the red one behind the
which is here in the corner. We need to soaks
violet one in the third row.
your fingers in order to soften" cuticles so that
JENNY: Good choice, Mrs Thompson.
I can push them back using the cuticle pusher.
MRs rHoMpsoN: Really very good! I'm satisfied.
MRs rHoMpsox: Which one is the cuticle pusher?
And your teacher, who is a friend of mine, will
JENNv: The cuticle pusher is the tool you see
be very happy too.
near the emery boards.
JENNY: Thank you.
MRS THoMpsox: Your explanations are very
clear, Jenny. You are really kind too.
JENNv: Thank you, Mrs Thompson. Now I'm cut-
ting all cuticles and dead side skin too. Don't move, dÍcartone t,
3 posso
Mrs Thompson, please. I must be very careful. 4 utensili, strumenti
MRS THoMpsox: Well-done, Jenny. What is the 5 dischetto di cotone
tool vou are usins now? 6 inzuppato