Page 11 - BPA Area IV-Parameter C
P. 11
the students are encouraged to organize and actively participate in any or various duly recognized student
organizations. The Student Organization Unit of the Office of Student Affairs and Services serves as the
coordinating center of the University. The specific promulgation policies and guidelines governing student
organizationsformpartofAppendixE.EstablishmentandOperation.Theestablishmentand operationofany
student organization in the campus, or in the colleges/ departments shall be governed by the rules and
regulations oftheOfficeofStudentAffairs andServicessuchasthefollowing:
1.Authority toOperate
Student organizations shall have to be duly recognized by the OSASbefore they can operate
or conductactivities.
It shallbetheresponsibility of theDirector ofStudentAffairs andServicesandtheChiefof
3.Application for Recognition
a. New Organization
Any group of at least fifteen (15) students may apply to the OSAS to form an organization.
The letter of application shall be accompaniedby the following:
1. Constitution and By-Laws;
2. List of elected officers and members for the current year;
3. Proposed program of activities and projects;
4.Names of three (3) Faculty or Employees with their letter of acceptance as advisers to be
submitted to the Director of OSAS.