Page 16 - BPA Area IV-Parameter C
P. 16

                               RANDOM DRUG TESTING OF STUDENTS MECHANICS

    1.    The University shall conduct prior consultation with the students, parents and stakeholders
          and seek approval of the University Academic Council (UAC) and Board of Regents (BOR) prior
          to the mandatory random drug testing program.
    2.    The University through the Office of the University Health Services (Infirmary) shall partner

          with a DOH- accredited drug facility, physician or private medical practitioner duly accredited
          to administer the drug testing.
    3.    For old student, the drug testing expenses shall be borne by the university as mandated in
          Section 36 (c) Article III of the Republic Act 9165 through Board Regulation No. 3 series 2009.
          For incoming freshman and transferee students, expenses shall be borne by the students.
    4.    The method that will be used in determining the sample size will be stratified Random
          Sampling using any method found appropriate or convenient. The total sample size to be used
          will be at least 5% from among the enrolled students per Campus identified at random as
          earlier described.
    5.    The University shall implement the mandatory random drug testing as part of its retention
          policy requirements.

          a. The result of the drug test issued by the partner Drug Testing Center shall be directly
             forwarded to the Office of the Student Affairs and Services and shall be treated with
             utmost confidentiality.
          b. In case the test result is positive, the Office of Student Affairs and Services shall inform
             both the parent and the student concerned that a confirmatory test shall be conducted.
          c. The Office of Student Affairs and Services shall conduct a conference with the parent and
             student where the information and process of the confirmatory test shall be discussed.
          d. If the student is found to be positive, he or she shall be referred to a DOH accredited
             agency for medical attention. The student shall be given a probationary period of 6

             months or so depending on the diagnosis of the specialized medical practitioner to
             undergo intervention and rehabilitation program.
          e. After the intervention and rehabilitation program, another confirmatory test shall be
             conducted. If the test yields positive result, the Office of Student Affairs and Services shall
             recommend disciplinary actions such as but not limited to expulsion.
          f. Denial of admission will only be for the most serious grounds, when there is a real threat
             to the security and well-being of the university.
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