Page 21 - BPA Area IV-Parameter C
P. 21
Within one week after the receipt of the answer or after the expiration of the period
within which to file answer, the preliminary meeting shall be held.
The Matters
1. The possibility of amicable settlement.
2. Stipulation of the facts.
3. Marking of evidence.
4. Witnesses.
5. Dates of hearing and other matters for the speedy resolution of the case.
o Any agreement shall be reduced in writing which shall be binding between the
o If the Complaint failed to appear, it will be a ground for the dismissal of the
o If the Respondent failed to appear, it has the same effect as failure to answer.
Section 3. HEARING
1. The hearing shall be summary in nature and
2. The order of presentation of evidence shall be as follows;
a. The complainant shall present the evidence
b. The respondent shall present evidence
In cases involving major offenses the procedure in the Committee on Discipline shall be
adopted except the composition of the Committee on Discipline which should be headed by the
Campus OSAS Director, the SSC President two faculty members and the Campus ARA as members.
During the proceedings, the University Legal Officer would be requested to assist the
Committee. The respondents shall represent himself/ herself, themselves and shall have the right
to counsel.
However, the appearance of the counsel is limited to advice only.
Section 4. DECISION
The College Committee on Discipline (CCD) and the Campus Committee on Discipline shall
decide the case within twenty (20) days from the submission of the last pleading or from the date
of the last hearing as the case may be.
The decision of the Committee shall become final and executory after the lapse of the
reglementary period of ten (10) days for filing a motion for reconsideration or an appeal.
The decision of the College Committee on Discipline (CCD) may be appealed to the Campus
Committee on Discipline. The decision of the Campus Committee may be appealed to the
University Committee on Discipline which shall compose of the University Legal Officer as
Chairman, the University OSAS Director, the University Director for Instruction (DI), the Student
Regent and one faculty as members.
Excerpt from Student handbook (Pp. 77-80)