Page 20 - BPA Area IV-Parameter C
P. 20


      1.   Any student, faculty/ staff or the University may file a complaint, or a charge against a

      2.   The complaint or charge must be in writing under oath.
      3.   For cases classified as minor offenses, the complaint or charge must be filed with the office
           of the
           College Dean where the student belongs.
      4.   Upon receipt of the complaint, the College Dean shall constitute the College
           Committee on Discipline (CCD).
      5.   The College Committee on Discipline (CCD) shall compose of the Program Chair/
           Department Chair as case may be as Chairman, where the student belongs, the SBO

           adviser, two faculty  members and the SBO President or representative.
      6.   Within (5) days from its constitution, the College Committee on Discipline (CCD) shall
           issue summons to the respondents with the copy of the complaint.
      7.   Service of summons may be by personal delivery or by registered mail. If the
           respondent is a minor, the summons shall be served to the parents or guardians.

      Section 1. SUMMONS

      1.   The College Committee on Discipline (CCD)

                  The Respondent shall be required to answer within a non- extendible period of
           time (5) days from receipt of the summons. If the respondent fails to answer within the
           time frame for him to answer, he/she is deemed to have waived his/ her right to present
           his/ her side.

                  After the answer had been submitted, the College Committee on Discipline (CCD) may
           summon both parties for clarificatory questions in determining whether there is a prima
           facie case.
                  In the event that the College Committee on Discipline (CCD) finds no prima facie case,
           the Committee shall dismiss the case. If the College Committee on Discipline (CCD) finds a
           prima facie case, it will issue a Formal Charge. The finding of whether or not there exists a
           prima facie case by the College Committee on Discipline (CCD) is final and not appealable.

      Source. Student Manual
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