P. 5

                              Have  you  ever  made  an  event  at  home  and  wanted  to  share  your

                       happiness with your close friends and relatives? What will you say to your

                       friends when you want to invite them to visit your house? In this case, we

                       can use letters to invite your friends or relatives when having an event. By

                       making  this  invitation,  the  guests  (relatives  and  close  friends)  will  not  be

                       confused  about  the  implementation  of  the  event.  For  example,  you  are

                       making a birthday event. Here you will invite your classmates and some of

                       your close relatives. By using this invitation letter, you can save time and
                       effort when conveying information regarding your birthday.

                              By  choosing  this  material,  it  is  hoped  that  students  will  be  able  to

                       make invitation letters both in formal and informal forms. And students can

                       find out what points are in making the invitation letter.

                   B.  PRECONDITION

                              In the previous material, you have learned about the definition of an
                       invitation letter. To be able to understand this module, it is hoped that you

                       have  read  the  previous  material.  In  addition,  try  to  look  for  the

                       characteristics  of  formal  and  informal  laws  that  are  at  home  or  anywhere

                       else.  If  you  have  carried  out  the  activities  above,  you  will  be  able  to
                       understand what an invitation letter is and how to make an invitation letter.

                   C.  MODULE USAGE INTRUCTIONS
                     In order for you to master and understand the material in this module well,

               then read it carefully and follow the instructions below:

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