Page 5 - PBA YUBI
P. 5



               Asking and giving opinion is a way that someone does to ask and give opinions to other people.
               When carrying out daily activities, we usually cannot be separated from this common expression.

               For example, when a graphic designer makes an illustration, he will ask his partner, client, or
               boss what they think about the illustration. Another simple example is how a wife asks her
               husband for comments about the taste of the food she has cooked, and so on.

               Oh yes, asking and giving opinion are popularly known as ask

               B. PRECONDITION

               Asking Opinions

               What is meant by asking? Asking comes from the word "ask" with the suffix -ing which means
               to ask. In verbs, asking is part of the saying verb which is included in the action verb category.

               Meanwhile, opinion means opinion, or it can also be replaced with the term suggestion which
               means suggestion.
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