Page 7 - PBA YUBI
P. 7
A. Purpose of Learning Activities
After studying this module, you will gain knowledge about the meaning and
knowledge of Asking Opinion and how to use it in your daily activities in
interacting with the people around us.
A. Material Description
In language, asking means asking while opinion means opinion/opinion. When the
two words are combined, asking opinion means "asking for opinion" There are
many ways to ask for opinions in English, let's look at the following examples:
• What is your opinion? (Apa pendapat/opini kamu?)
• What is your idea? (Apa idemu?)
• What are your thoughts on …? (Apa pendapatmu tentang …?)
• What is your point of view? (Apa sudut pandangmu?)
• What/how do you think/reckon about …? (Bagaimana menurutmu mengenai …?)
• How do you think of my idea? (Bagaimana pendapatmu tentang ideku?)
• How do you feel about …? (Bagaimana perasaanmu tentang …?)
• Do you have any idea? (Apakah kamu memiliki ide?)
• Do you have opinion of …? (Apakah kamu memiliki opini tentang …?)