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04    Scientifica Communica
              Kolkata | August 15, 2021
             Artificial Emotion from 1 & 0                                   Digital India...

        Aurunima Samad-   example.” he drew  available. J’s weighted  1>>facilities, and then  IITM and NCMRWF  society with IT-en-
        dar: Prof. G was bent  smaller boxes inside  resultwouldprobablybe  software development  have been included in  ableddevicesandmod-
        over  his  greasy  therectangle.    anger, frustration. P  and maintenance, in-  theWorld’sTOP500list  ern techniques coupled
        worktableagain.     “A, identifyfruits.”  could suggest stomping  cluding hardware and  of November, 2020.  with newer and newer
        “Namaskar Prof. G!”  “B,associatefruits  of feet and throwing  networking  services,  Internet users in  methodsoflearningand
        “You seem to have had  tosocietalappeal.”  things.”   bothinIndiaandabroad.  India are now the sec-  teaching. Now digital
        an  argument  with   “C,learn health  “Doyouseehoweasy  We may mention the  ond largest in the  ecosystemisvisible,and
        someone?”heasked.  benefitsof fruits.”  it is to generate anger         world. India has gone  isinfactreshapingmany
          “About a sillyscience  “D, evaluate one’s  anddesire,evengreed?”  names of ECIL, TCS
        fictionnovel.Hesaidwe  health; D1, physical  “But they would not  and CMC, and later  a long way in regard  systems particularly in
        would be soon so good  health & D2, mental  feelthecompulsionto?”  NIC.  to the mobile penetra-  agriculture, healthcare
        that we would be mak-  health.”         “Of course they  One should mention  tion in different areas  and in e-governance as
        ingrobotsthatwouldbe                                  the names of two per-  country since its first  well.Though we have
        betterthanus,wouldde-                                 sons, Rajiv Gandhi and  demonstration  in  started the process of
        sire power and might                                  Sam Pitroda, who in the  1973 worldwide. The  digital transformation
        oppress us.”                                          80’s, provided thrust on  first call in India with  to have the desired
          “Is it not impossible                               computer  literacy  internet services by  goal of making Digi-
        for a machine to feel?                                amongst the general  VSNL was also made  tal India, the digital
        And their basic struc-                                public,despiteresistance  on August 15, 1995.  divide unfortunately
        ture doesn’t support                                  from some corners.  There have been sig-  still exists in many
        desire!”                                                                nificant earnings in  parts of India, in re-
           Prof. G turned to                                  India, over these years,
        the board and marked                                  hashadtremendousim-  software exports with  spect of affordability
        a cluster of dots as         Image  pacts in various sectors  nearly three million  and accessibility and
        sensors, then feel-                                   like banking, railways,  software profession-  its proper usen in
        ings. He then drew a  “Of course, these in  would, if J functions  hospitals,  healthcare,
        big empty rectangle;  turn are themselves  properly and a unit for  tourism, to name a few.
        then a cluster of small  resultant  of  other  self-awareness is in-  The initial problem of
        asterisk marks, la-  seemingly independ-  serted between it and P,  importingsupercomput-
        belled actuators, and  ent units.”  like in children. Human  ersledustothedevelop-
        acions.             “E, request for fruit  brains are computers  ment of indigenous
          “This is not a tem-  based on calculations  after all, designed by  supercomputers in the
        plate of a machine  from the afore-men-  better hands than ours.  early 80’s, when two
        but of an infant’s  tioned units.”  Even the most compli-  companies CDOT and
        brain. Do you notice  “Seen singularly,  cated of our decisions
        the    similarities?  these units seem simple  boil down to numerous  CDAC were estab-
        Given consummate  enough; they also exist  1sand0sastheleavesof  lished. CDOT has
        sensing abilities, a  as apps nowadays.”  acascadingtreeofcom-  developed  many
        machine can feel like  “Now, J records  parisons.Artificialintel-  supercomputers,
        any other human.  human behaviour under  ligence is a very real  primarily for weather  I Immaggee  ssoouurrccee::   wwwwww..ggooooggllee..ccoomm

        Now, the algorithm  various circumstances.  (attempt of) mimic of  forecasting; the recent
        for interpretation….”  And P executes actions  real intelligence. Artifi-  three, PARAM SID-  als. Digital transfor-  many applications.
        he tapped  on the  based on results of J.”  cial emotion will be so  DHI-AIranking63,and  mation has radically  *DevaprasannaSinha
        empty    rectangle.  “Suppose E’s result is  as well.”  the  other  two  revolutionized  our  *Fellow,Computer
          “This is where we  a request for a banana  *Software Engineer,  PRATYUSH  and  lifestyles to form an  Societyof India
        could be lacking; an  but bananas are not   Robert Bosch                                     devaprasannasinha@
                                     MIHIR developed by  information-centric
        Seven Minute....                    ternships, and completing doctoral dissertation,  listiccruisevelocity,flyingsupersonicparachutes,and
        1>>to listentoher.                  engaged her from Mission Cassini to ultimately  reviewing different sites for Rover landing “because
                                            the Mars Rover Mission for the last eight years. “I
        herself a rocket scientist and engineer, loves present-  wenttoanew world,”she quips.  otherpanicmomentsaswellincludinganearthquake.
                                               Dr. Mohan, a mother of two girls, says it would
                                                                                “Allitrequiredwas empathyandsupport,”Dr.
        ingherselfthroughthePowerPoint. Her“lifelessons  not have been possible for her to be a leader without  Mohanasserts.
        on the road to success” is based on three principles:  her “super-supportive parents and husband, who is  Is she a foodie? She smiles and answers that
        •Know and acceptwho you are         alsoadoctor,anotherleaderintheCovidtime.”Ihad  she likes the Indian street food whenever she
        •Activelydo your best               tostrikeabalancebetweenspouse,family,friendsand  visits her home state of Karnataka. The vendor
        •Createyour ownsupportsystem        others “so that you can form a team respecting  roasting corns in an open oven is a site that she
          While in school what had she wanted to be?
        It was easy for her to be a doctor because her  eachother.”             relishes. She doesn’t know whether there is a
                                               She gleefully dubs her Mars Landing Mission,
                                                                                link between science and spirituality. Dr.
        family including her parents, who had long mi-  “theSevenMinutesofTerror.”Theyhavebeenpiling  Mohan also reveals that in her career journey
        grated to the US before, is full of physicians.  telemetry data, studying satellite dynamics and bal-  she felt “more pressure in the male
        “But physics was easy and biology was harder                            dominated world of space science and tech-
        to me. I then switched focus to engineering.                            nology.”
        My favouritemoviewas StarTrekandtomespace                                 Before I was planning to shoot the final question
        meantNASA.”                                                             whether she would like to come back to India as a
           So, from Heyfield School her natural desti-
        nation was Cornell University to study space                            space scientist, the connection got snapped and de-
                                                                                spite my heroic efforts as a digital dud, I couldn’t
        engineering, then to California Institute of                            restore the link. All I could hear were her words
        Technology, and finally to Massachusetts In-                            buzzing,“everyone’s journey will be different.”
        stitute of Technology. Her systematic transi-                                               *Prasanta K. Bose
        tion from one abode of learning to another,                                       * Journalist and Science Writer,
        necessitating attending camps, enjoying in-                                
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