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06 SSciiennttiifiicaa CCoommmmunniiccaa
August 15, 2021 Kolkata
I Indiiaa AAnndd IIttss CConttrriibbuttiionn Operation Flood: A Revolution That
Nature-Inspired Technology Strengthened India
Barnini Bhatta- of natural light to biosensors – a sensor Sandipan Chatter- phase of the Opera- dairy sectors for long-
charya: Nature-In- enter the building but made up of biological jee: India, the world's tion Flood, pro- term sustainability. A
spired or Bio-inspired also draws air element to sense or largest democracy, has grammes were organ- programme was organ-
Technology, scientifi- through the building detect change in chem- emerged as a major eco- ised on animal breeding, ised on veterinary first-
cally termed as Bio- that forms a natural ical responses/com- nomic power despite its veterinary health care, aid health care and
mimicry is a technical ventilation system. position, for example infrastructural adver- feeding and manage- artificial insemination
practice to artificially Such a combination – pregnancy test kits, sities. Post-Independent ment of dairy animal to services to educate the
create something by uti- of natural cooling and glucometers etc. India accelerated its improve the productiv- co- operative society
lizing structures, princi- lighting arrangement Other research organ- growth by the highest
ples or strategies existing helps to reduce elec- izations of national
in natural organisms or tricity consumption. importance that are degree of innovation in
systems. Though such a Several renowned engaged in nature-in- science and technology.
technology may appear research and develop- spired invention in- India's “Operation
to be a modern-day and ment establishments clude JNCASR, flood” was the world's
sophisticated approach of India have already IISER, VIT and many major dairy develop-
gaining popularity begun to contribute in many more eminent. ment program that led to
worldwide presently, this field through institutions. "White Revolution." It
surprisingly this very their extensive re- India is, therefore, created a national milk
technology existed in the search. The IIT, Hy- contributing on a grid to link the producers
world even in the derabad has a special large scale to propa- to the consumers in
20th centure era. team of faculties and gate nature-inspired merely 700 towns and
The noteworthy fact young researchers inventions and its de-
especially on the eve of that has come up with rived technology. It is cities throughout India Immaggee ssourrccee:: wwwwww..ggooooggllee..ccoomm
India’s 75th Independ- innovative nature-in- indeed a promising that also gave a major
ence is that the world-fa- spired solutions to area of research and thrust to national milk ity. Phase two was the members.Genetic
mous Lotus Temple problems like waste development that production. Varghese continuation of phase progress of milking ani-
(1986), of Delhi is one management, oil spill needs awareness and Kurien, the chairman one, and by the end of mals also increased due
and founder of Amul, 1989 the domestic milk to cross breeding. The
was named the Chair- powder production was last phase also increased
man of the National increased from 22000 importance on research
Dairy Development tonnes in the pre project and development in ani-
Board by the then year to 1, 40,000 tonnes. mal health and nutrition.
Prime Minister Lal Ba- India also started export- Innovation of vaccine
hadur Shastri. Kurien ing milk powder. In for theileriosis, bypass-
propelled the initiative 1989, the number of ing protein feed and
towards success and has women members and urea- molasses mineral
been acknowledged as women dairy co-opera- blocks, contributed to
the originator. tive societies increased the enhanced productiv-
Before the white significantly. As the ity of milk-producing
A – Top opening of Lotus Temple; B- Base opening of Lotus Temple: revolution, India im- dairy industry was being animal.
C- The Lotus Temple, Delhi (Image Sourec:
ported milk solids, modernised and ex- Operation flood cele-
such bio-inspired archi- removal and so on. greater popularization which was ended by panded, around 10 mil- brates the advancement
tecture that mimics the The CLRI, Chennai because bio-inspired the technological lion farmers started of India’s own technol-
structural arrangement focuses on producing technology is presently breakthrough that earning their income ogy and the entire suc-
of our national flower bio-inspired nanoma- considered the choic- revolutionized the In- from dairy farming. cess was achieved not
lotus, and hence the terials (material sized est future approach dian dairy industry. It The final and third only by mass produc-
name. The functional between 1-100nm of for inculcating susta- was the production of phase of the programme tion, but by production
advantages of such a de- single unit) that are inable development. skimmed milk pow- emphasized on the need by the masses.
sign are manifold – used for pollution *Research Student, *Science Communicator
base and top openings control management barnibhattacharya@ der out of buffalo to improve productivity *sandipan.april@
not only allow plenty and production of milk. In the first and efficiency of the
The IIT... train scientists and nology (Kharagpur) political revolutionar-
engineers. The Act declaring it as an ies were executed
2 2 >>120 km south west
of Kolkata. On August classes initially Institute of National under the British rule.
started in the aban-
Incidentally, the of-
18, 1951 the then Union doned Hijli detention When the first ses- fice building was
Education Minister camp used by the sion started in August used as the headquar-
Maulana Abdul Kalam British to imprison the 1951, the college had ters of the Bomber
Azad inaugurated the freedom fighters. In 224 students and 42 Command of the U.S.
first Indian Institute of 1952, the foundation teachers in 10 depart- 20th Air Force during
Technology (IIT) of the stone for the new ments of the institute. World War II. The IIT
country in West Bengal. building was laid in a The class rooms, lab- Kharagpur, therefore,
The name “Indian Insti- dedication ceremony oratories and the ad- is still a beacon of
tute of Technology” was attended by Prime ministrative office history.
adopted before its Minister Nehru. On was housed in the his- * Minakshi De
formanl inauguraton September 15, 1956, toric building, now *Department of
by Maulana Azad. Parliament passed the known as the Sha- Microbiology,
The IIT Kharagpur Surendra Nath College, Image source:
was established to Indian Institute of Tech- heed Bhawan, where University of Calcutta