Page 80 - Aatmava Sarvabhuteshu_Final Report_Neat
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Most affected age group range is 20-40, considering them as our crucial audience to
            LESSONS LEARNED                                                                                                 educate  and  aware  alongside  educating  and  sharing  knowledge  with  the  future

                                                                                                                            youngsters  (kid  of  age  group  10-19)  and  involving  youth  in  conservation  work  will

                                                                                                                            facilitate the future sloth bear conservation.
                 It is important to understand the community you are trying to reach and it
                 includes  their  needs,  interests,  and  cultural  values.  Without  this                                 Need  to  develop  a  protocol  and  guidelines  for  frontline  field  staff  for  sloth  bear
                 understanding, it's difficult to create effective programmes.                                              monitoring and to deal with problem bears.

                 Mass  awareness  through  education  and  outreach,  especially  replacing                                 Bear safety education and messages should be spread among the community to avoid
                 myths  with  the  facts  can  enhance  the  opportunities  of  human  –wildlife                            lethal attacks occurring with the wildlife.
                 coexistence, to increase the tolerance and minimize the retaliation.
                                                                                                                            Teachers, health workers, press-media and village administration should be involved
                 Building  trust  with  the  community  is  crucial  for  the  success  of  any                             to promote and continue the sharing of the knowledge.
                 education and outreach programme and this can be done by engaging with
                 community leaders, being transparent about your goals and intentions and                                   Measuring  the  impact  of  your  education  and  outreach  program  is  important  to
                 demonstrating a commitment to the community.                                                               determine  its  effectiveness  and  this  can  involve  collecting  feedback  from  the
                                                                                                                            community, tracking participation rates, and evaluating the programme's impact on
                 It is noted that farmers have most frequently come across sloth bears. So it                               behavior change.
                 is  important  to  provide  true  information  about  the  bears,  teach  them  to                         Building  partnership  with  other  organizations  and  stakeholders  can  help  to  amplify
                 practise safety measures in bear areas and various ways to avoid sudden and                                the  impact  of  education  and  outreach  programme  and  this  can  involve  partnering

                 surprise encounters.                                                                                       with  local  businesses,  schools,  and  community  organizations  to  expand  your  reach
                                                                                                                            and build support for the programme.

   © Mayank Judal

              69                                                   Sloth bear Conservation Education Programme                       70                                                   Sloth bear Conservation Education Programme
                                                                                          WCB Research Foundation                                                                                                WCB Research Foundation
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