Page 1 - Medical Update - Jun. 2014
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June 2014 Medical Program Update ‘Healing is a matter of time, ‘Healing is a matter of time, ‘Healing is a matter of time, but it is sometimes also a matter of opportunity.’ but it is sometimes also a matter of opportunity.’ but it is sometimes also a matter of opportunity.’ —Hippocrates Thank you for your very generous support of the Love Without Boundaries Medical Program. Together we are able to offer orphaned and impoverished children the ‘opportunity’ to heal. But healing isn’t all this opportunity offers these children. Cleft Surgery Program Cleft Surgery Program Cleft Surgery Program Through our Cleft Surgery program many children have had lips and pal- ates repaired. These surgeries not only offer healing but also improved self-esteem as the child grows be- cause they look and sound more like their peers. Our Cleft Medical Exchange offers opportunities to forge new friend- ships and professional collaboration, support families who cannot afford surgeries for their children, and most importantly in my opinion, change the atti- tudes of people regarding the beauty of these precious children. Ted (above) sure seems to like his new look!! And Winston, Luce and Carlos (below from l to r) seem pretty happy too. Such handsome boys!!
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