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P. 14
Example :
Mr. Amir has a circular pond with a diameter of 7 meters. Pak Amir wants
to fence the pool with wooden planks. If Mr. Budi gives a distance between
the logs as far as meter, then how many wooden planks does Mr. Amir need
to fence the pool?
Solution :
Pool diameter (d) = 7 meters
Distance of wooden planks meter
Q: How many wooden planks are needed to fence the pool?
To find out how many wooden boards are needed to fence the pool, first
look around the pool.
K = π d (Known diameter)
K = x 7
K = 22 meter
Because Pak Budi wants to fence the pool with wooden planks meter apart,
Number of wooden planks = 22/(1/2) = 44 planks
Then the number of wooden planks needed to fence the pool is 44 pieces.
- Area of Circle
What is the formula for finding the area of a circle? Well, let's see how to
calculate the area of a circle through the activities below.
Draw a circle with a radius of 10 cm. then draw the diameter of the
deviation. The circle is divided into 24 equal slits. Juring is then reproduced.
Cut the scissor according to the size of the cross. Then, arrange the strips
into a tighter grid arrangement. Observe how long and tall it is.
Do these activities in groups, record your observations. Then, arrange the
pieces of the circle as shown below. The shape of the image resembles a