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P. 12

What you nedd to know :
                              If  it  is  related  to  the  understanding  of  each  element  of  the  circle  with  the
                              relationship of several pairs of elements, it is known that some relationships
                              are as follows:
                                     Element 1                 Element  2                 Relation
                                                                                  The    length   of   the
                                                                                  diameter  is  2  times  the
                                                                                  length of the radius

                                                                                  The  sum  of  the  lengths
                                                                                  of the large arc and the
                                                                                  minor arc is equal to the
                                                                                  circumference  of  the
                                                                                  An  arc  is  part  of  the
                                                                                  circumference    of    a
                                                                                  circle.     Or       the
                                                                                  circumference    of    a
                                                                                  circle is the greatest arc
                                                                                  Diameter  is  the  longest

                                                                                  The  apothem  is  always
                                                                                  perpendicular to a chord

                                                                                  The area of the segment
                                                                                  is  equal  to  the  area  of
                                                                                  the   slit   minus   the
                                                                                  triangle whose sides are
                                                                                  two radii that define the
                                                                                  slit  and  the  chord  that
                                                                                  separates the groups.

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