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P. 8

Do you know the character
                           who discovered the value of
                           the number π ?

                 Read the following text!
                                                    Zu Chongzhi

                    In Chinese history many mathematicians have attempted to calculate π. While the
                    results achieved by Zu Chongzhi in the 5th century can be said to be an advance in

                    calculating π. Zu Chongzhi was born in the city of Jiankang (Nanjing city) in the
                    year 429. Since childhood he was very intelligent and liked knowledge in the fields

                    of  mathematics  and  astronomy.  In  the  third  year  464  he  was  35  years  old,  Zu
                    Chengzhi began to calculate π. In everyday life, Chinese people know that the

                    length of the circumference of a circle is three times the diameter of the circle.

                    Before Zu Chongzhi, the Chinese mathematician Liu Hui proposed a scientific way

                    to calculate π, with the length of the circumference of a regular polygon in a circle

                    to approximate the length of the circumference of the original circle. In this way Liu

                    Hui has calculated π o 4 digits after the decimal point. Meanwhile, through Zu

                    Chongzhi's research, π has been calculated up to 7 digits behind the comma, namely

                    between 3.1415926 and 3.1415927, and obtained a value similar to π in the form of
                    a fraction. To commemorate Zu Chongzhi's results, overseas mathematicians have

                    proposed  naming  π  with  the  Zu  level.  Zu  Chongzhi  and  his  son  also  finished
                    calculating the volume of the ball. This mathematical principle is called the Zu

                    principle. Prior to the 14th century, China was a relatively advanced country in the

                    field of mathematics.

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