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P. 4


                           This Mathematics E-Module with Circle material is prepared using

                           easy-to-understand  language.  In  this  e-module,  there  are  learning
                           videos to help students understand the material. In this module you

                           can also find questions that can improve creative thinking in the hope

                           that you will be interested and help you learn mathematics and its
                           applications in everyday life.

                           The purpose of Compiling the Mathematics E-Module This circular

                           material is to be able to facilitate students who feel they do not really
                           understand the circle material, so it is hoped that by using this module

                           students  can  do  independent  learning  without  depending  on  the

                           explanation from the teacher.

                                          MODUL INSTRUCTIONS

                           To study this module, there are several things that must be considered,

                           namely as follows:
                           1. To study this module, it must be sequential because the previous

                           material is the basic concept for studying the next material.
                           2. Follow the learning activities presented in this emotion and pay

                           attention to the instructions for studying the learning activities.
                           3. If you still feel you do not understand the material presented, repeat

                           again studying the learning activities and continue the next learning

                           activity if you have mastered it.

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