Page 36 - DaggaBay Magazine Issue 4
P. 36
Cosmic Sun Creations
Have you ever had this? When you Usually they're relatively cheap, so
come across something in a catalogue adding a random yellow silicone bong
or on your Timeline and you to the collection purely because...'
absolutely Must. Have. It.?!!! boeboe it's got skulls on it!!? '..... I
Unfortunately you can't reeeeallly mostly get away with! Honestly? 7/10
justify the spoil when there are a of those random purchases have
million more Grown Up things to pay become ornamental? They don't....?
for?? Bleugh adulting sucks, But Still.... Suck well? (Pull Mel. PULL is the word,
I'll Make a Plan! So, I had just that over you Idiot. Pft) My friends... The Bong I
the last few months! Being a lover of eventually bought from Cosmic Sun
the Herb, I've seen Cosmic Sun Creations fits into the remaining 3!
Creations across a few platforms, and Now, I admittedly need a reason to
every time, it stops my mindless buy it, as these creations are not your
scrolling and I admire the coolest standard flea market cheapies!
Bongs and Pipes I wager you'll ever So fortunately, 'twas the hubbies bday
come across! in August! Hooorah! Justification!!
I'm lucky, as to a degree, Me and The
... 'cool mel... But like... Go into any Man share similar tastes, so I could
tobacconist, hell any flea market these "make the bong for him" but get to
days and you can get any variety and have it in the house and enjoy it too!
theme you can imagine!'.… I know!
And I agree!! I personally have a Bong
and Pipe shelf in our little home bar
because when I see a cool Bong ..
*puts on demon voice *
'i must have it now!!!