Page 31 - DaggaBay Magazine Issue 4
P. 31
What to do. Show the world
So, what do we as the community do to We need to show the world that even
change the mindset of those around us? though we are cannabis users we are
Well, first, I think we need to show that we responsible users. And for those who can
can use our herb and still get on with life smoke and get on with their normal day,
and the things that are important. do it in a way that people will take a
double look at you and say, "That person
Responsibility smokes weed but Ive never seen them get
out of hand. That’s the type of heads we
We need to be responsible. As with should be turning. We also have a
alcohol, we need to show responsibility responsibility to teach others how to
when it comes to consumption. Cannabis grow. And not just to grow cannabis but
DOES alter your state of mind and your be successful at it.
bodily physically in that it has it has a
relaxing effect on some, while as for others Those who grow already should be taking
it energizes them. BUT there are those people under their wings and showing
who really cannot handle the after-effects them the ropes. How to plant a seed, how
of weed and can become physically or to water and feed and nurture it. How to
mentally unable to do certain things while harvest and to cure it properly. Because
under the influence if anything at all. It's in let's be honest. Everyone deserves to
time like these that responsibility is key. smoke great Herb. So, the next time you go
out and light up a spliff remember that a
One can’t be going out and operating few years ago, that would have been a
machinery or driving while high. Yes, even mission and simply illegal. Now it isn't,
if you can handle your smoke it still comes BUT there are still many out there who
down to responsibility. haven't really felt the true freedom of the
plant by having the privilege to grow their
own herb.
So, make it your mission to be the change
in the cannabis community today. Stand
up and take responsibility for the plant
and the community in which you find
yourself. because in the end we are ALL in
this together, and together we can be
Stay Irie