Page 30 - DaggaBay Magazine Issue 4
P. 30
It begins with you!!
Modern Society.
First and foremost, it begins with YOU!!
It begins with you and me and every But let us look at the modern
one of the cannabis users in the society we are living in today.
community already. It begins with us Firstly, that lazy plant that is so bad
standing up and taking up the has become a multi-billion-dollar
responsibility to educate and teach industry around the world. You are
about the plant. And this should start finding that the demographic of
at home!! users is so vast that one cannot
point it to one group. (Ok the
Education should start at home with Rastafarians have a demographic on
our own children. NO, I'm not saying their own) But the general
go roll a dank spliff and give it to your population or community of users is
kids, I'm saying teach them about the made up of people from ALL walks
plant. Teach them of the benefits, AND of life. You get the home mom, who
the negative side. (Let's be honest, as looks after her kids at home or
stoners we tend to look the other way home schools, you have the lawyer
when the discussion comes up about the doctor, the engineer, the
weed been bad) but honestly, there are mechanic, the street vendor. The
bad sides to the plant as well and we drummer in the band, the doctor
need to be open and honest about it. the teacher, and the fisherman.
We as the "Cannabis Community" a There is no one type of
moral responsibility to ensure that we person who is classified as a
uphold the plant. cannabis user but the stigma that
has followed weed for so long has
Due to years and years of negative placed that "lazy" label on us.
stigma about weed, the general idea is
that cannabis users are a lazy, and
unmotivated bunch. And yes, there are
many cannabis users who really are
like that but that is a part of their
character and not because of the plant.
It is easy to point a finger at the plant.
BUT this stigma came from years and
years of media brainwashing people
into believing that if you smoke
marijuana you are useless.