Page 10 - Information Packet Cover 2025
P. 10

U S E   O F   T H E   C L U B   F A C I L I T I E S   B Y  T H E  I M M E D I A T E   F A M I L Y   O F   A   M E M B E R

               Except for such times as the Club's Board of Directors designates for Member-only play, Immediate
               Family of a Member will be allowed to play golf with the Member without payment of a greens fee.  A
               Member's Immediate Family are the Member's spouse and their unmarried children under the age of
               23, who are living at home or attending school on a full time basis.

        U S E   O F   T H E   C L U B   F A C I L I T I E S   B Y   A   G U E S T   O F   A   M E M B E R

               Members may invite guests to use the facilities of the Club upon payment of the applicable guest
               charges and greens fees.  Guest use shall be in compliance with the Rules and Regulations of the Club,
               which may include, without limitation, restrictions on the number of times, the days and times a
               particular guest may play golf during each membership year, the total number of guests a Member can
               sponsor during any membership year or portion thereof and a requirement that guests of a Member be
               accompanied by the Member.

        O F F E R I N G   O F   M E M B E R S H I P S

               Membership in the Club is by invitation only.  The membership will be issued in the name of one
               individual, except in the case where a membership is issued in the name of an entity as provided
               hereafter.  Memberships will be offered to such candidates as the Board of Directors and its
               Membership Committee determine are appropriate and invited for membership in the Club.

               In order to be eligible for a National Membership, the prospective National Member's principal
               residence must be more than 100 miles from Dallas, Texas.

        M E M B E R S H I P   M A Y   B E  H E L D   I N   T H E   N A M E   O F   A   L E G A L   E N T I T Y

               For the convenience of Members, a membership may be held in the name of a partnership, corporation,
               trust or other form of business entity.  The entity must designate one individual who will have the right
               to use the membership.  The designated user must submit a Membership Agreement and will be
               subject to the approval of the Club.  The designated user must also be a bona fide director, officer,
               partner, shareholder or employee of the entity, or a beneficiary or settlor if the membership is held in
               the name of a trust and shall be responsible along with the entity for all applicable dues, fees and
               charges.  No person other than the designated user and his or her Immediate Family (subject to the
               terms hereof) will be entitled to simultaneously use the membership.

        M E M B E R S H I P   F E E   R E Q U I R E D   T O   A C Q U I R E   A   M E M B E R S H I P

               Each person who desires to become a Member in the Club will be required to pay a Membership Fee to
               the Club in the amount in effect at the time the person acquires the membership as set forth in the
               Membership Agreement.  The amount of the required Membership Fee will be determined by the Club
               from time to time in its sole discretion.

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