Page 6 - Information Packet Cover 2025
P. 6


                                      M E M B E R S H I P   P L A N   O V E R V I E W

               M E M B E R S H I P   O P P O R T U N I T Y

                       This Membership Plan describes the membership opportunity at Dallas National Golf
                       Club.  The Club is a golf club located in Dallas, Texas and features a championship golf
                       course designed by the world-renowned Tom Fazio.  The primary mission of Dallas
                       National Golf Club is to provide an exclusive and ultimate golfing experience which we
                       refer to as "just golf on demand".

               M E M B E R S H I P   C A T E G O R I E S   A N D   P R I V I L E G E S

                       Currently, our Local Memberships are limited to 325 and National Memberships are
                       limited to 75.  National Memberships will be available to individuals who maintain their
                       principal residence more than 100 miles from Dallas, Texas.  Local and National
                       Members will have the privileges hereinafter set forth.

               S P E C I A L   M E M B E R S H I P   B E N E F I T S

                       In addition to exceptional Club Facilities and a commitment to excellence in service and
                       operations, membership in the Club offers a number of attractive benefits, including:

                       •      Exclusivity.  Membership is by invitation only.

                       •      No Tee Times.  There will be no advance sign-up requirements

                       •      Family Privileges.  Members will be permitted to play golf with their Immediate
                              Family without payment of a greens fee.

                       •      No Range, Locker or Bag Storage Fees.  Members are not obligated to pay
                              separate range, locker and bag storage fees.

               C A R E F U L L Y   R E V I E W   A L L  M E M B E R S H I P   D O C U M E N T S

                       Every person who desires to obtain a membership should carefully read this
                       Membership Plan and all of the referenced documents and should seek professional
                       advice in the legal and/or accounting areas to evaluate these documents.

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