Page 148 - KRCL ENglish
P. 148
Sr. No.
of Matter Statutory Auditor's Remarks Management Reply
2014-15 is Rs.718.70 Crores. between KRCL and Indian
The Demand of Tax Deducted at
Source (TDS) amounting to T h e d i s p u t e d a m o u n t i n
Rs.0.60 Crores appearing in the assessment of Income Tax u/s 143
income tax portal is not considered (3) and u/s 271 (1) (c) is pending at
in the above disputed dues various level of Appellate Authority.
Considering the fact that same However existing carry forwarded
arises out of mismatch in the un-absorbed depreciation is Rs.
information provided by the 1146.63 Crores.
c o m p a n y a n d i n f o r m a t i o n
available with Income Tax Portal
During the year, the company has In terms of letter of offer to 2nd
made 2nd right issue of equity Rights Issue, allotment of shares
share capital and the requirement would be done on payment of full
of section 42 of the Companies Act subscription amount. Hence, part
2013 related to it has been allotment was not done.KRCL has
complied except that the share parked the application money in a
application money is not kept in a Nationalized bank and not utilised
separate bank account in a till allotment is made.
scheduled bank and the company
has not allotted shares within 60
days from the date of receipt of
amount to one of the shareholder -
Government of Kerala of Rs. 19
Crores. Further the company has
allotted the shares after 229 days
from the date of receipt of share
application money, contrary to the
provisions of section 42 of the
Companies act 2013.)