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Notes forming part of the Consolidated Financial Statements as at 31 March, 2020
Investments in Associate
(carrying amount of the investment)
Current Assets 26.4492 27.1132
Non Current Assets 86.9197 89.1098
Current Liabilities -10.9072 -12.2509
Non Current Liabilities -0.7802 -2.323
Equity 101.68 101.65
Proportion of the Group's Ownership 26% 26%
Total Carrying amount of the Investment 26.44 26.43
Group Share of (Prot)/Loss for the year
Revenue 0.6362 1.6936
Employee Benet Expenses -0.3192 -0.4172
Finance Cost 0 -0.0301
Depreciation & Amortisation Expenses -0.0758 -0.0749
Other Expenses -0.1061 -0.2914
Prot/(Loss) before Tax 0.14 0.88
Income Tax Expense (0.11) (0.26)
Prot/(Loss) for the year 0.02 0.62
Other Comphrensive Income (0) 0.12
Total Comphrensive Income for the year 0.03 0.50
Group Share of (Prot)/Loss for the year (0.01) (0.13)
Additional Information of the Investment
Net Assets, i.e., total assets Share in prot or loss
minus total liabilities
Name of the entity in the Group
As % of As % of
consolidated ( ` in Crore) consolidated ( ` in Crore)
net assets prot or loss
Jaigarh Digni Rail Limited 26.00% 26.44 26.00% (0.01)
Share in other Share in total
comprehensive income comprehensive income
Name of the entity in the Group
As % of Consolidated As % of Total
Other Comprehensive ( ` in Crore) ( ` in Crore)
Income Comprehensive Income
Jaigarh Digni Rail Limited 26.00% 0.00 26.00% (0.01)
The Corporation made long term equity invesment into Jaigarh Digni Rail Limited (JDRL) with 26% holding in the nancial year 2015-16. In terms of
Ind-AS 28 the Corporation has signicant inuence in JDRL, being its voting power is more than 20% and since it is participating in nancial and/or
operating policy decisions but does not have control over these policies. Konkan Railway Corporation Limited has accepted right issue of 1,55,87,000
no. of shares fully paid at face value of `10/- each. This Investment is classied as Trade Investments and not held for Sale. In accordance with the Ind
AS, Trade Investments are recognized at cost and carrying amount is increased or decreased to recognize the Investors' share of prot or loss after
date of acquisiion. The required disclosures as above have been made as per Ind-AS 112 and in accordance with Schedule III of Companies Act, 2013.
8.1 Loan given to Konkan Railway Welfare Organisation (KRWO), formed for the welfare of the employees of the Corporation, carries interest @
7% p.a and is repayable in 7 years from the date of disbursement. The loans were disbursed during the period 2010-11 to 2014-15.The KRWO
has executed the mortgage deed (not registered) in favour of the Corporation for land purchased at Ulve, Suratkal, Madgaon and Ratnagiri. The
loan has been classied as unsecured. 290