Page 300 - KRCL ENglish
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Notes forming part of the Consolidated Financial Statements as at 31 March, 2020
20a.3 The details of Equity Shareholders holding more than 5% shares
66,93,573 52.20 66,93,573 53.14
28,87,424 22.50 28,87,424 22.92
16,74,698 13.10 16,74,698 13.30
7,87,480 6.10 6,69,880 5.32
7,87,479 6.10 6,69,879 5.32
20a.4 During FY 2018-19 KRCL has announed its 2nd Rights issue for ` 196 Crore to the Shareholders in their
existing shareholding proportion. During the year allotment of shares worth `23.52 Crore was made to
Government of Kerala and Government of Goa. Allotment of shares worth ` 143.08 Crore were made to
Ministry of Railways and Government of Maharashtra during 2018-19. Allotment worth ` 29.40 Crore
has been made to Government of Karnataka on 03.06.2020. With this allotment 2nd right issue has
been fully paid. During the year, KRCL has announced 3rd Right Share issue worth ` 490 Crore Out of
which, Ministry of Railways has partly paid an amount of ` 25.40 Crore on 07.05.2020 and ` 81.31 Crore
on 19.06.2020.
20a.5 The reconciliation of the number of shares outstanding is set out below :