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                   Notes forming part of the Consolidated Financial Statements as at 31  March, 2020


               20a.1 Rights, preferences and restrictions attached to Equity Shares

                    Equity Shares

                    The Corporation has only one class of equity shares having a par value of ` 1000/- each.
                    The Corporation was incorporated as a joint venture between the Central Government of India acting
                    through Ministry of Railways and the participating State Governments of Maharashtra, Goa, Karnataka
                    and  Kerala  to  construct  and  operate  the  Konkan  Railway  Broad  Gauge  Line  (KR  Route).  The
                    Corporation was originally intended to be merged with Indian Railways upon completion of 15 years or
                    as and when its loan liabilities are fully discharged, whichever is earlier. According to the initial MOU, the
                    government of India would pay the contributions made by state governments towards equity at par,
                    after the corporation liquidates the loan obtained for completing KR route. However, on 7th January
                    2009, Ministry of Railways communicated the approval of Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs that
                    the Corporation shall continue as a Central PSU even after discharge of its debt liabilities.

                    The holders of the equity shares are entitled to receive dividends as declared from time to time and are
                    entitled to voting rights proportionate to their share holding at the meetings of shareholders. In the
                    event of Liquidation of the company, the holders of equity shares will be entitled to receive any of the
                    remaining asset of the company after distribution of all preferential payments. The distribution will be in
                    proportion to the number of equity shares held by the shareholders.

               20a.2 Calls in Arrears
                    It represents outstanding call money towards equity shares from Ministry of Railways. The Issued
                    Equity share capital of corporation is `1259.54 crore out of which Ministry of Railways hold 53% of the
                    stake i.e.`669.36 Crore, out of these the corporation received an amount of `669.35 crore towards
                    Equity share capital and the balance amount of `0.01 crore is outstanding.

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