Page 12 - Pre-school dance plans spring
P. 12
Creeping, creeping, creeping everywhere x 3 (crawl on floor)
So he swished it and he swashed it and it crept away. (as before)
You may need to call “freeze” again to regain the children’s attention. Encourage them to sit down again.
Little Peter Rabbit had a frog upon his foot, (tap right foot to pulse with right hand)
Little Peter Rabbit had a frog upon his foot, (tap left foot with left hand) Little Peter Rabbit had a frog upon his foot, (tap right foot with right hand) So he swished it and he swashed it and it jumped away. (as before)
Jumping, jumping, jumping everywhere x 3 (jump like a frog)
So he swished it and he swashed it and it jumped away. (as before) * Running time approx. 3 mins.
8. Working with Props: ‘The Bunny Hop’ performed by Easter Gang
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The children are sitting in a circle. Give each child an egg shaker. Play 30 seconds of the track and practice shaking shakers three times on the three accented straight beats at the end of each phrase. Count “1, 2, 3” out loud to encourage them to shake at the right time.
Stop the music and explain that you are going to be the first Easter Bunny to take your Easter egg around the world to a child. The children stand up. You put on the bunny ears and hop around the circle (once or twice depending on the size of the group) like a bunny (two feet together with hands clasped in front of chest).
Give the ears to a child to become the next bunny and then sit down so that everyone can see that your turn has finished. The next bunny hops around the circle then gives the ears to another child “who is still standing” then sits back down.
Repeat until every child has had a turn. Keep encouraging the children who are not being the bunny to shake their eggs three times on the three accented straight beats, counting “1, 2, 3” as before.
If you are doing this activity with toddlers, you will need to keep everyone seated in the circle, except for when it is their turn. You will also need to tell the toddlers who to give the ears to next, before they hop around the circle.
N.B. if you have a large group, allow more time for this activity by reducing time spent stretching and curling and traveling to Danceland.
*Running time approx. 5 mins.
9. Warm-down and give out magic sparkles See spring lesson one.
* Running time approx. 3 mins.
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