Page 4 - Trolls 2 hour
P. 4
b) Explain that they are going to be trolls and you are going to give them each a musical shaker.
c) When the music plays they must dance at the troll party (demonstrate as you say this). When the music stops it means that the bergens are coming, and so they must freeze and pretend to be a flower, tree, bush or insect (demonstrate freezing in the suggested disguises as you say them) so the wicked Chef can’t see or hear them. Repeat this whole step to make it very clear.
d) “If everyone freezes really quickly when the music stops, you will all win a Haribo treat.”
e) “I am going to turn into the wicked Chef every time the music stops.”
f) Give each child a musical shaker.
g) Play ‘Get Back Up Again’ and the children dance around the room and shake their musical
h) Pause the music and pretend to be the wicked Chef. The children freeze in different
positions. You get grumpy because they’ve managed to hide in time. “I’ll get you next
time!” Try to be as silly as you can to make the children laugh.
i) Repeat several times until you confess that the trolls have beaten you as you haven’t been
able to find any of them! You cry and say “I want my mummy!”
j) Walk away and when you turn back you are no longer the wicked Chef. Tell the
children that you’ve turned back into Princess Poppy/Branch, congratulate them and tell
them you will give them their Haribo prize before you go home.
NB: If the children are mostly three then you may need to simplify by taking away the story and making it a simple game of musical statues with egg shakers where nobody gets out.
9. ACTION SONG OR POEM: ‘Chop, Chop’ by Traditional
“Who can tell me what Chef’s favourite food is? Now we’re going to be naughty bergens and help Chef make some lovely troll soup for Trollstice. First we need a giant pot.” Mime taking out a giant pot and the children should naturally copy you. “What’s the most important ingredient in troll soup?” Mime sprinkling in some trolls. Mime having a taste. “Yuk!” Be as silly as you can be to make the children laugh. “I think we need some more ingredients to make it more tasty.” Put your hand up quietly if you can name a vegetable to put into the pot.” Choose a volunteer who has their hand up. Mime placing said vegetable onto your chopping board (flat left hand with palm facing upwards). Chop the vegetable with your right hand in time with the pulse as you say the following rhyme.
Chop, chop, choppity chop.
Chop off the bottom and chop off the top. What we have left we will put in the pot. Chop, chop, choppity chop.
Then mime stirring the soup as you say:
Stir it round, stir it round,
Tell me what you have found.
“Have a taste.... I think we need more vegetables.” Choose another volunteer with their hand up to suggest another vegetable and repeat the rhyme. Repeat this sequence several times. You can experiment with using a baby knife (saying the rhyme quickly with small, quick movements) for smaller vegetables, and a sword (saying the rhyme slowly with big, slow movements) for bigger vegetables. End by getting the children to pour themselves a large bowl of troll soup. Everyone counts to three and guzzles it down speedily. Then you say “Mmmm, delicious!” using a loud, silly voice. NB: The point of this activity is to be silly and funny (not scary). Make sure not to chop up any actual trolls (just the other ingredients you are adding to the soup).
Ask the children if they know a game called ‘Grandma’s Footsteps’. Tell them they’re going to play a game just like it called ‘Poppy’s Footsteps’ (if you are dressed as Poppy) and ‘Branch’s Footsteps’ (if you are dressed as Branch). Tell them to stand in a line against the wall at the back of the room. You stand roughly five meters in front of them and place the Poppy soft toy on the floor just in front of you. Tell the children that if they can take the Poppy toy without you noticing them then they will have beaten you to become the winners! When you turn your back to the children they must creep towards you as quietly as they can, but when you turn to face
them they must freeze! If you see them moving they must go back to the wall and start
again. The game ends when one of the children manages to take the Poppy toy whilst
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