Page 6 - Trolls 2 hour
P. 6

to pause the music so you can help the younger children pass the parcel and open it when it is their turn. The children can eat their treat, put it in their pocket or give it to an adult to mind so that it does not distract them from the rest of the party.
NB: Make sure to check the party entertainer guidelines for instructions on making the parcel and for maximum spending amounts.
Tell the children you hope they haven’t forgotten how to be like trolls whilst eating all that delicious tea! Tell them that you are going to test them again by playing a game a bit like ‘Simon Says’ called ‘King Peppy Says’! If you say “KING PEPPY SAYS touch your toes” then they must copy you and touch their toes, but if you don't say “KING PEPPY SAYS” and simply say “touch your toes” then they must remain still! Start with some easy instructions like: “KING PEPPY SAYS touch your toes/spin around/hug a friend/jump/clap” and remove the “KING PEPPY SAYS” whenever you see fit! Then move onto some Trolls themed actions, such as dance/sing/hug time/swish hair etc. You may need to demonstrate the Trolls actions before including them in the game.
15. CHOREOGRAPHED DANCE TWO: ‘Move Your Feet / D.A.N.C.E. / It's a Sunshine Day’ performed by Anna Kendrick, Gwen Stefani, James Corden, Ron Funches, Walt Dohrn, Icona Pop and Kunal Nayyar.
Click on song name to open the video in YouTube.
“Every troll has magic hair that can be used to dance with, paint, make stairs, make glitter or even catch baddies! I’m going to give you all a magic scarf to be your very own troll hair and teach you a special dance to show you how to use it like real trolls! Give each child a coloured scarf. Go through the tricky moves first then play the track and perform the dance as in the video.
16. CHASING GAME*: ‘Catch the Trolls!’ (sung to the traditional tune of ‘Tiny Tim’)
“And now you’re going to have a short Troll lesson. I am your teacher Princess Poppy/Branch and you are my students. Follow me.” Sing the song acapella and perform the actions as indicated by the lyrics.
“Every troll must know how to hug.”
The trolls are hugging, the trolls are hugging, the trolls are hugging, in the troll class.
“Every troll must know how to sing.”
The trolls are singing, the trolls are singing, the trolls are singing, in the troll class.
“Every troll must know how to dance.”
The trolls are dancing, the trolls are dancing, the trolls are dancing, in the troll class
“Now I’m going to be the wicked Chef and chase you and see how many trolls I can catch!” Chase the children as you sing the final verse.
The wicked Chef is chasing...
Ask the birthday boy/girl if they would like to be the next Chef. If they say no, choose someone with their hand up who managed to escape you. Remind the next Chef that when you sing “The wicked Chef is chasing” they must catch as many trolls as possible. Repeat and then choose a child who “managed to escape” to be the next Chef (otherwise they’ll all just be caught on purpose). Repeat as many times as necessary (for example if there is no pass the parcel and/or not many children you may get through the activities quickly and so extend this one, or if you are running behind you could perform the activity just two or three times).
17. MUSICAL BUMPS: ‘Get Back Up Again’ performed by Anna Kendrick
Ask the children if they know the game ‘Musical Bumps’. Tell them we’re going to play a game just like it called ‘Musical Flowers!’ “Now Princess Poppy has to travel a long way by herself to rescue her friend Creek. She springs from flower to flower and escapes lots of strange ‘baddies’ such as scary flowers, insects and birds! Tell the children that as the music plays
they are going to spring ‘from flower to flower’ around the room just like Poppy
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